Tuesday, December 4, 2012

extra little hop in your skip.

This week the counselor said, "Talk to God.  Ask Him to help you from here on out."
I said, "I can't talk to God now.  Then I would only be talking to Him when I need help. I've got to get things together and get through this, and then I'll start talking to Him."
The counselor said, "I don't think that's what grace means.  You're trying to earn God's grace, and you can't do that.  You can't earn grace."

You can't earn grace.

So no matter where you are, whether you're burrowed under your covers and won't come out, or whether you're jumping in puddles because life is good and you're wearing your rain boots:  accept the grace.  Don't try to fix yourself so that you can say you've earned it. You'll never be able to earn it anyway.  Right here, right now, God wants you to simply accept His grace.  It will give you the strength to get out from under the covers, or it will give you an extra little hop in your skip.