Wednesday, January 16, 2013

toms: are they worth it?...and alternatives.

Cute, to be sure.
Comfy, too.
But least fifty bucks for a piece of Canvas.

Let it be known that I have been sucked into the world of Toms.  My hipster-trendy roommate had a pair that I borrowed at least three days a week.  Finally I bought a pair of my own.  They are perfect slip-on-and-go shoes, with jeans, or shorts, or even a skirt.  But $50?  One accidental wearage in the rain and the inside sole will curl up.  Each additional accidental contact with water causes the inside sole to curl up more and more.  Unless worn only in perfectly delightful weather, Toms don't last very long.  And they're sweaty.  

While I do love my Toms, I'm thinking that my next pair of errand-running shoes won't be Toms.  Here are the alternatives I'm considering:

First, we have this number from Urban Outfitters, which I personally think could work as a quick slip on shoe with a multitude of outfits, and is a little more unique than your average Tom. (oh and they're cheap too.  2 for $20.)

Next we have Bobs by Sketchers, which look and cost almost the exact same as Toms.  But I guess you better watch out that no one looks too closely at the tag, because that wouldn't be cool.  

Here we have your Soludos for $28 from Shop Bop.  

Oh, yes! And let us not forget Target! These espadrillas may be ugly, but they're cheap!  $17!  (Also I'm fairly certain they have better colors when they're in season. These must've been the 'tovers.)

And, saving the best for last, my all-time favorite canvas shoe...

VANS. I dearly like Vans.  

Just look at all the color choices!

Conclusion:  Toms are about the cutest shoe of their style category.  None of my similar examples come close to competing with Toms' cute factor.  But honestly, I'm not sure that cuteness is worth the $50 for a shoe that isn't going to last very long.  Especially because they're so in.  I don't like succumbing and getting what's in. I know, I know, I did it.  But I'm done buying Toms!  

Moral of the story: buy Vans, kids.  

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